Donate to Protea Place

Protea Place currently receives no government funding and is made possible by community financial donations, sponsorship, community grants and active fundraising.

We are funded only by the generous support of our community.

To make it as easy as possible for our wonderful supporters, we have set up a few ways you can donate to Protea Place. You can contribute with direct donation of any amount or you can become a sponsor.  Every donation makes a difference!


How Your Donations Help

Donating to a charity like Protea Place is a powerful way to create positive change in the world and improve the lives of those faced with difficult circumstances. When you contribute to a charitable cause, you become an agent of hope, providing vital resources and support to those who need it most.

Your generosity not only helps to address immediate needs but also contributes to long-term solutions, empowering both individual women and their communities to build a better future. Additionally, giving to charity can promote a sense of personal satisfaction, knowing that your actions have made a difference.

By donating to Protea Place, you're not only investing in the well-being of women in need but also fostering a spirit of compassion and unity that inspires others to do the same.

Make a Material Donation

We are always in need of donations such as toiletries, socks, underwear and non perishable food. These items can be dropped into Protea Place Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9am and 3pm or by phoning our office to make a time for drop-off. 

Please check with us first before bringing in donations of clothing as we have limited storage available.


Help Vulnerable Women

If you choose Direct Debit we would love for you to please fill out your details so we can send your tax receipt and keep you up to date with our fundraising efforts.

Make a Donation to Toowoomba

Electronic Transfer

One-Off Donation Recurring Donation

Direct Deposit

National Australia Bank

BSB: 084 938

Acc No: 775 721 604

ABN: 32 644 342 009

Email for a Receipt

Make a Donation to Warwick

Electronic Transfer

One-Off Donation Recurring Donation

Direct Deposit

National Australia Bank

BSB: 084 938

Acc No: 766 494 091

ABN: 32 644 342 009

Email for a Receipt

Together We Can Make a Difference

Financial donations are our life blood. Your donations truly change lives, and we can't do it without your ongoing support.

If you have made a direct donation to Protea Place, please make sure to provide your accurate contact details using the form on this page. Without this information we are unable to provide you with a tax receipt and keep you updated with our campaign.

Contact us

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